Welcome to our web page!
Hello, and welcome to our web page, the online home of Pete's Handyman Service Brisbane!
We've been on Facebook and Insta for a while so we're not new to the online world, but continual growth has convinced us to expand into the web page platform so we can better showcase our talents to our growing client base.
For those of you who don't know us, Bradie and I have been together almost six years, we're best friends and partners in crime, she's the beauty and I'm the hammer swinger!
We share a love of renovation and rejuvenation among other things, so a progression into handyman services was a logical one for us, sharing our passion with others.
Wilston is where we are now, previously based at Park Ridge, our client base drew us city ward, and we love the lifestyle and village atmosphere here, it's a beautiful spot.
We've also just undergone a rebrand, our little green man that we worked together to build, and was our logo for some time has not completely disappeared, you just have to turn our amazing new cards over and he's there on the back, the naked stick man lives on!
We'd love to share our passion with you, if you have anything that you might need help with or need some advice, just reach out and we'll get right back to you.
Thank you so much for the support and the opportunity to help with your tasks, the shares on our posts and comments have all been appreciated!
Pete and Bradie.

Pete and Bradie